In the Eyes of God, Caring for Orphans is Pure and Genuine Religion.
(James 1:27)
Each family is wonderfully unique.
Wherever you are on your journey, we’re
here to walk with you.
Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI)
How do you deal with your child’s challenging behavior and bring healing to your child’s trauma? Trust Based Relational Interventions (TBRI) is an evidence-based training for caregivers of children from hard places that goes beyond simply being trauma-informed to equipping families with practical strategies to help disarm fear and build trust. Developed at the TCU Institute of Child Development, TBRI is a set of connecting, correcting, and empowering principles that we’ve seen change the tide for struggling families.

You may be the answer to the prayer of a waiting child. Come learn the most effective ways to provide help and care to vulnerable children and their families. If you want to do more and are considering hosting, fostering, or adopting a child, we want to help you prayerfully consider all the options. Simply join an Exploring Seminar to get all your questions answered in a no pressure environment.
Fortify Your Family
Families who play together, stay together. Find a family connection event and grow closer as a family while gaining fundamental connection skills in a fun, low pressure environment.
TBRI-Attachment, a 4 Week Zoom Study: How We Connect
Support Groups
Feeling overwhelmed? That’s normal! Caring for children from hard places is a tough journey, but you don’t have to go it alone. Find a church support group of caregivers on the same journey and get equipped with new skills.
with us
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TBRI for Adoptive Parents
TBRI® (Trust-Based Relational Intervention) is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. This group is not sponsored by the Karyn Purvis Institute.
This group is not sponsered by the Karyn Purvis Institute.
TBRI® is designed for children from “hard places” such as abuse, neglect, and/or trauma. Because of their histories, it is often difficult for these children to trust the loving adults in their lives, which often results in perplexing behaviors. TBRI® offers practical tools for parents, caregivers, teachers, or anyone who works with children, to see the “whole child” in their care and help that child reach his highest potential.
Family Testimonials
The Exploring Adoption or Foster Care Seminar is a virtual or in-person class hosted by volunteers – typically experienced foster and/or adoptive parents – that walks potential parents through the who, what, why, and hows of adopting or fostering.
This low-pressure environment becomes a safe place for families to receive valuable overviews, ask questions, explore their own motivations, and take their next step.

Don’t currently have TBRI training at your church? We can help! Email Ernie Casarez our TBRI training coordinator to help your church become an ambassador for vulnerable children and their families.